One Piece Chapter 1059 is a high-octane read, even by the series’ standards. With a week between episodes, fans of One Piece are understandably antsy for the next one to drop. The date of release, raw scans, leaks, and spoilers for One Piece Chapter 1059 are discussed. Because of the spoilers for the next chapter 1059 of One Piece, this article will fill you in on all the details you need to know.
One Piece Chapter 1059 Release Date and Time:
Fans of One Piece, one of the most widely read manga series, eagerly anticipate the arrival of each new chapter. In addition, following a weeklong hiatus, the studio has confirmed that September 2, 2022, will see the publication of One Piece chapter 1059 in Japan.
- Japan – 01:00 AM
- India – 9:30 PM
- USA/Canada – 10:00 AM
- UK – 4:00 PM
- CES (Europe) – 5:00 PM

One Piece Chapter 1059 Reddit Spoilers
After spending an hour alone with Rimuru, Myormiles confirmed that he was still alive and well. He listened as Rimuru explained his decision to put Myormiles in charge of running Tempest’s Dining and Lodgings. Depending on how well he accomplished, he might be let into his innermost circle. If this is successful, would you like to join us later? He gave me a firm nod of acceptance and went on to the next appointment.
Retired bureaucrats who met Myormiles said, “Umm… would it be impermissible for us to follow you, master?”.Some of them were taken completely by surprise. He consequently made the decision to accept the offer and left for Tempest. I strolled up to the front desk and introduced myself without any apparent anxiety.
And got the “Who’s that?” look in response. So, I might as well say hello to Fuze while I’m here in Brumund. In the event that he is not present, I shall depart. It’s important to protect the children, even if Yuuki is suspicious. If possible, it would be best to do so with an impartial third party who is not connected to me in any way. And, this has nothing to do with Yuuki, so don’t tell just anyone.
Recap of One Piece Chapter 1058 Summary
On his visit to Wano Country Beach, Shanks hears about Luffy’s successes. Nonetheless, the red-haired pirate decided to seek out One Piece’s riches rather than meet with Luffy.
According to the most recent spoilers, the Straw Hats will leave Onigashima in chapter 1057, titled “The Conclusion,” therefore it would appear that Luffy is also no longer wasting time in Wano.
Spoilers suggest that the Wano Country storyline will end in the next chapter. Momonsky will say his goodbyes to his comrades when Luffy, Kid, and Luo escape the Wano nation. Now a member of Luffy’s crew, Yamato isn’t quite ready to leave Wano just yet.
They say Yamato won’t want to leave the island until he’s had a chance to check out Wanokuni. When Momo, Kinemon, and Yamato decide to join pirates, the new Luffy Shogun hands over his banner and promises to return it to them. After much deliberation, the Straw Hats decide to leave the island, and Momo starts looking for a new location to plant Luffy’s flag.

Including Momonosuke, Kinemon, and Yamato, Luffy and the Straw Hats said their goodbyes.
Yamato opted not to follow Luffy and the Straw Hats on their ocean adventure because they passed through Wanokuni on their way to the open sea.
Luffy hands Momonosuke his flag and promises to return with him when the group sets sail again to continue their expedition.
Leaving behind Ancon, Kidd, Lou, and their separate crews. It is nearing the end of the third chapter and the Wanokuni arc as Momonosuke contemplates where to plant the flag.
Where To Read One Piece Chapter 1059?
Only on the official Viz Media site can you find the most up-to-date English translations of One Piece. In the United States, One Piece is only officially published by Viz Media, therefore new chapters are available through the company on a regular basis, but they always come out after the Japanese versions.
If you subscribe to Viz Media, you may read the latest chapters of your favorite manga as soon as they are released, and you also gain access to many more series.