The horror television series “Welcome to Derry” is being developed by Andy Muschietti, Barbara Muschietti, and Jason Fuchs. It is a prequel to Muschietti’s films in the series, “It” (2017) and “It Chapter Two” (2019), both of which are based on Stephen King’s novel “It.” Since the first “It” book was published in 1986, it has been a favorite among generations of Stephen King fans. The film adaption, which starred Tim Curry in the iconic role of the wicked Pennywise, was a huge success on the ABC network in 1990.
We now know what to expect from Warner Bros. Discovery’s streaming service, Max, according to the company’s latest announcement. The spin-off series “Welcome to Derry” has been greenlit, following the success of Andy Muschietti’s two previous “It” films. This page will tell you everything you need to know about the “It” prequel series, “Welcome to Derry,”
Welcome to Derry Release Date
Welcome to Derry is set for publication in 2024. Warner Bros. made this statement on Twitter and through different news outlets when it changed its streaming service from HBO Max to just Max. The etxact release date for Welcome to Derry is still unknown as of August 2023. The show was first revealed on March 21, 2022. Below we have provided an official Tweet from Max about the release date of Welcome To Derry.
Welcome to Derry.
Taylour Paige, Jovan Adepo, James Remar, and Chris Chalk have been cast to star in the Max Original Series and prequel to the IT films, coming in 2024 to Max. #WelcomeToDerry #ITSeries #ITMovie 🎈 #StreamOnMax
— Max (@StreamOnMax) April 12, 2023
Cast Of Welcome To Derry
Taylour Paige, Jovan Adepo, James Remar, and Chris Chalk will join Madeleine Stowe (The General’s Daughter) and Stephen Rider (Daredevil) in the cast of the prequel series.
- Taylour Paige
- Madeleine Stowe
- Stephen Rider
- Jovan Adepo
- Chad Rook
- Chris Chalk
- James Remar
We know who will be behind the camera in general. Welcome to Derry will have two showrunners: Muschietti, who is involved for obvious reasons, and Jason Fuchs, who penned the DC picture Wonder Woman. We also know that King will not be engaged in the production of the show; nonetheless, he has given his blessing.
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What Is The Storyline Of Welcome To Derry?
While there is still much uncertainty surrounding the series, Welcome to Derry will begin in the 1960s and gradually build up to the events of the first IT film. While Bill Skarsgard is unlikely to return to the series as Pennywise, Derry will delve deeper into the villain’s backstory. This was only alluded to in the first two It flicks.
What Pennywise is and how he fits into the greater “King-verse” has largely been left on the pages of the author’s meaty 1000-plus page horror epic. As a result, it will be fascinating to watch what Derry takes from the source material and how it ties to its film counterpart.
If you’ve ever wondered where Pennywise came from or how the curse began, the series will finally provide answers. Sarah Aubrey, HBO Max’s head of original programming, recently spoke in an interview about their upcoming shows and gave us a first peek at Welcome to Derry:
“We have been working with Jason Fuchs, Brad Caleb Kane, Andy Muschietti and Barbara Muschietti very closely…They’re so deep into this mythology and they have such a firm handle on the storytelling around these characters and also the demented scares that they’re putting into things. Sometimes I’m, like, ‘What’s wrong with you?’ Just all the wild ways they think up to terrify us. You’ll be hearing more concretely about that development very soon… Andy is very involved in every bit of this, so that is the real recipe for success and for delighting fans.”
Popcrave (A page that covers such topics and news On Twitter) has also Tweeted about that Interview where the filmmakers talked about its plot.
You can check out the Tweet below:
A prequel to ‘It’ is in development at HBO Max, @Variety reports.
The series, currently called ‘Welcome to Derry,’ will begin in the 1960s in the time leading up to the events of ‘It: Part One,’ the 2017 film based on the Stephen King horror novel.
— Pop Crave (@PopCrave) March 29, 2022
Conclusion: “Welcome to Derry” is a horror TV series created by Andy Muschietti, Barbara Muschietti, and Jason Fuchs. The prequel to Muschietti’s “It” flicks follows Pennywise’s origins. The series will premiere on Warner Bros. Discovery’s streaming service Max in 2024, beginning in the 1960s before the first “It” film. Jovan Adepo, James Remar, Chris Chalk, Madeleine Stowe, and Stephen Rider star. Stephen King has approved the project. The series explores Pennywise’s past and Derry’s curse, revealing “It”‘s terror.
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