“American Star,” a new exciting thriller movie, is directed by Gonzalo López-Gallego. The script is written by Nacho Faerna, and the movie is produced by Ian McShane and Michael Elliott. The main actors in the film are Ian McShane, Thomas Kretschmann, Nora Arnezeder, Adam Nagaitis, Fanny Ardant, and Oscar Coleman.
Have you been eagerly awaiting the big reveal of the ‘American Star’ release date? The wait is finally over! Get ready to mark your calendars and prepare for a sensational journey as we unveil the much-anticipated launch date of this blockbuster. Are you ready to discover when the American Star will finally shine?
American Star Release Date
As per American Star Trailer Video The movie is set to come out in the United States on January 26, 2024.
As for the film’s release, it is scheduled for a special screening in New York City on January 18, 2024. This event marks the beginning of the film’s journey to the public. Following this, “American Star” is set to be officially released in the United States on January 26, 2024.
Additionally, audiences in the United Kingdom can look forward to the film’s release in their region on February 23, 2024. This staggered release schedule ensures that viewers across different regions have the opportunity to experience this thrilling cinematic adventure.
What We Know More About American Star
“American Star” is a movie about Wilson, a skilled killer. He goes to Fuerteventura, a beautiful island, for a new job. This time, he doesn’t know what his target looks like. Wilson decides to wait on the island until the person he needs to find shows up. His big challenge is to figure out who the person is once they arrive.
The movie has some great actors. Ian McShane plays Wilson, the main character. Other actors in the movie include Thomas Kretschmann, Nora Arnezeder, Adam Nagaitis, Fanny Ardant, and Oscar Coleman.
Ian McShane and Michael Elliott worked together to produce the movie, which was made by Emu Films. The movie was shot in the Canary Islands, which are really pretty and make a great setting for the story.
The first look at the movie came out on December 12, 2023, when IFC Films released the trailer. This gave people a sneak peek of what the movie would be like.
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